Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Chocolate Monkey Bites

So even though I've come back to the surface of the earth and will eat some sugar and gluten again, my poor boyfriend still has to live a miserable life of no sugar and no gluten. He chooses to live this way, so whatever floats his boat!

I was feeling generous (it happens every once in a while), and came across one of my favorite blogs new recipe, which is gluten, sugar, and everything free.

1/4 C + 1 tbsp cocoa powder
1/4 C coconut oil, melted
3-4 tbsp liquid sweetener, such as agave
1/2 banana
tiny pinch salt
optional (and highly recommended): 1-2 tbsp peanut butter

1. Combine first three ingredients in a bowl and stir until it makes a chocolate sauce.

2. Pour a little of the sauce (saving the rest for later) into the bottoms of cupcake liners or mini cupcake liners. Freeze 8-10 minutes.

3. Meanwhile, blend (or mash and stir with a fork) the banana, salt and optional ingredients.

4. Take liners out of the freezer and top each with banana mixture.

5. Evenly distribute the rest of the chocolate and re-freeze until solid.

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